November 26, 2003


I'm going home! I get to eat turkey tomorrow! I get to see my lonely ladies! I get to write a spanish term paper... d'oh! oh well, nothing can hold me down! not even this 8 page paper that needs to be finished in, oh say, 2 hours... the long weekend should more than make up for all the paper writing I did this week. actually, thanksgiving by itself should more than make up for it. I'm getting low on groceries and there's only so much tuna, pasta, and peanut butter and jelly I can take.

anyway, enjoy the long weekend everyone. have safe drives and happy thanksgiving!

November 24, 2003

for some odd reason, school smelled and felt like an airport today. stale coffee, snow and cold, cigarette smoke wafting in from outside, and cranky people rushing around... somehow all these things together equal airport for me.

you know what other smell reminds me of airports? stale popcorn. actually, stale popcorn reminds me of o'hare, specifically.

just thought I'd get some random thoughts out of the way so I can get some work done. :)

November 23, 2003

new links

I added to my links, mostly because rachel told me that I was a disappointment. I have to pay attention to what rachel says, because rachel is a force to be reckoned with. (she is also somewhat of a blog expert... she just told me that she is currently following about 12 blogs. I don't know if that really makes her an expert necessarily but whatever.)

one thing I must point out is the link to my dad's blog. he was writing it back a few months ago when he was living in acapulco. now that he no longer lives there, the blog has fallen by the wayside. after a stint in macedonia, he is currently residing in reno, nv, with my oldest brother ian and his familia. hopefully daddyo will keep his word and "revive this deadass forum" because he has plenty to say about what's going on in this country and in the world.

another excellent site I'd like to point out is the Self-Made Critic. his reviews used to be on the brunching shuttlecocks, which was a funny funny site and no longer exists, but now he has his own site. I usually come close to peeing my pants when I read his reviews.

anyway, I should get some sleep since I have a busy day ahead of me... doing homework. blech. much love...

November 20, 2003

it has been pointed out to me that this girl may have only been hungover. I won't deny that this is a possibility. but there were so many signs, such nearly overwhelming evidence... which lead me to believe either she was drinking heavily last night and woke up still drunk, or she really was getting her drink on sometime around 8 am.

case in point: she danced along to the argentinian national dirge... I mean anthem.

wake up and smell the alcohol

who wakes up and thinks that maybe it would be a good idea to throw back a couple before starting the day? on a thursday morning. before a 9 am class. and not just any class... I'm talking Spanish 4013. where you have to, um, like, think and stuff.

a girl in my spanish class came to class drunk. well, possibly not completely drunk, but definitely slightly tipsy. I was sitting next to her, as I always do, and I was thinking, "wow, her breath smells really bad... she's sitting a foot away from me and I can smell it. WAIT! I recognize that smell!" alcohol was emanating from her very being. it was truly amazing. at one point, she left to go to the bathroom and was gone for 7 minutes. she came back, tripped over her backpack and knocked over someone else's bottle of water. then she pulled out a whole pack of saltines and started chowing down, completely oblivious to the water that was turning her desk into her own private island.

ok, granted, it's hispanic american poetry and drama and the thought of discussing poetry in spanish at 9 am might be enough to drive the most committed teetotaler to have one tiny cocktail before delving into the depths of chilean existensialism. but it's really not that bad. besides, today we were discussing a funny play that poked fun at bureaucracy and had a cast of crazy characters!

what I'm driving at here is just because you can drink before you head off to class doesn't mean you should. especially for the sake of those around you who have to put up with your drunk ass and are actually interested in the class. or just want to suffer through it in peace so they can go home and go back to sleep.

I'm a day and a half from the weekend and yet I almost don't want it to come, because I will be chained to my desk for most it. with the exception of tomorrow night, when I will be attending Jim Fetzer's talk on JFK's death. 3 1/2 hours of lecture on a friday night, woo hoo! strangely enough, I'm really looking forward to it and there's a chance it might be the highlight of my weekend. what a sad little life I lead.

I'm going to take a nap now and it's going to be lovely. and I'm going to dream about turkey and how wonderful it will be to indulge my carnivorous tendencies a week from this very day. much love.

November 18, 2003

oh man

there's something wrong here. I look out my window and I see bare branches. the ground is covered in a damp loamy layer of leaves. the sun is reflecting off the cars in the parking lot across the street. the completely bare cars. the sidewalk looks... naked. as a matter of fact, everything looks rather underdressed. there's something missing. it's the 18th of November. this is Duluth. where is the snow? I realize that it has snowed... but it melted. what is going on here? we're supposed to be buried in our frigid little icebox of a city. but wait! ah yes, the good people at show that it is supposed to snow sometime... by the beginning of next week. that's more like it, father winter. bring it.

the whole registration predicament was solved, but not as I was expecting. I did go down to accounts receivable, but I didn't get to bring my horrible wrath down on anyone like I wanted to. I explained the whole thing and then was told that the remainder of my tuition had to be paid... and then I meekly shuffled away from the window and went and called my dad. who brought his wrath upon accounts receivable. now, don't get me wrong... I'm all about being an adult and doing things for myself, but if my dad wants to use his "voice of authority" to get things done around here, then I'm all for that. hooray for my dad!

so, I got to register on time, much to my relief. for all those who are interested, I'm taking Hispanic American Civilization and Culture, Analysis of Public Discourse, Gender and Communication, and Advanced Writing: Language and Literature... which sounds suspiciously like the official title of the AP Lit. test that I had so much fun taking in 12th grade. it looks like a pretty good schedule for the most part, except having class at 9, 11, and 12. no 10 o'clock. I can't find anything to take during that time. unless anyone has any ideas? perhaps the perennial favorite... underwater basketweaving. or maybe... fishing skills!

anyway, I should go bathe myself and then it's time for ping pong with corey. an update on the ping pong battle: the past two (three?) weeks, corey has beat me 2-1, every week. I know, I know... I lost my touch. I knew it couldn't last forever... corey has the skills. besides, winning seven games in a row was just getting boring. hehe.

have a lovely day.

November 11, 2003

grr arg

well, today, for the first time ever, I discovered a hold on my school account, from accounts receivable, effective as of 11/07. what that means, essentially, is that my last tuition payment was not paid and that I cannot register until it is paid. this is incredibly unfortunate, because also for the first time ever, I get to register on the second day of registration. this means I may actually have somewhat of a chance of getting into all the classes I want to take, when I want to take them, which is nice since I am nearing the end of my time here and need to get certain things done.

also unfortunately (more unfortunately for accounts receivable... muhahahaha), according to my most recent tuition bill, as of 11/07, my tuition had been paid. boo to accounts receivable. one would think that their system would be a little bit more streamlined, a little bit more sychronized, if you will... so as not to issue a hold on a person's account on the same day that their tuition bill was paid. oh wait, what am I saying? that's ridiculous.

so... what am I going to do? what anyone would do... I printed out a copy of my tuition bill and I'm going to take it down to the accounts receivable office in their little hidey hole in Darland Admin. 140 and, as I told my dad, I'm going to RUB THEIR NOSES IN IT. (to which my dad replied, "ooo,,,you go, girl!!" and yes, he really types all those commas for no reason whatsoever.) hopefully I can get it straightened out in the next few days so I can register on Friday.

whew. pretty frustrated by that whole thing. warning: abrupt subject change ahead.

as I was getting into bed last night, I glanced at my clock and saw that it was 11:45. holy geez, going to bed before midnight? what's wrong with me? then I realized that all my roommates were in bed and had been for some time. and amanda went to bed around 11. where are the wild and crazy college girls? we're supposed to be out partying or causing trouble or cramming all night or at least sacrificing small rodents or children... or.. or something. actually, who am I kidding? I love that we were all in bed before midnight. that is the essence of this apartment.

I think that's all for tonight. by the way, just out of curiosity... who is the "anonymous" commenter from my last blog? amanda and I are almost positive that is a direct comment from GOD, but I wanted to rule out all other possibilities before jumping to that conclusion. anyway, sorry for the long rant at the beginning, just a little frustrated. good night and much love.

November 09, 2003

halloween part deux

so, I was watching the local duluT news on thursday night, and there was a story about a man who had been hospitalized since halloween night. he had come up to visit for a halloween party, and then had been savagely beaten with a metal club. they showed a shot of a house, and as they show the house, I'm thinking, "wouldn't that be weird if it was at the halloween party I went to?" then the camera pans over to the next house, and I realize I recognize this house... then I jump off the couch as the anchor says, "the party was held at 123 4th Street. the man got into an argument with the neighbors..." sure enough, that's the house I went to halloween night. then I yelled for kelly to come watch and verify. definitely the same house. though it must have happened after we left the party, it is likely that kelly and I met this person.

what would possess someone to beat another person with a metal club? this person was still in the hospital after nearly a week.

cassi said she's just glad that kelly and I are safe. I would have to agree.

November 08, 2003

hammer on the bottom!

after trying on my new clothes, dusting my desk and computer, jumping on my bed for a bit, drinking two glasses of water (and making the requisite trip to the toilet afterward), and reading a little in return of the king, it seems that I may as well use all this random energy that's keeping me awake to do something pseudo-productive.

I had a lovely evening tonight... went shopping with mah homegirls, chelsea and kelly, and I bought a velvet blazer that I have been eyeing for quite some time at the gap... damn gap and their monopoly on cute mass produced sweat shop goods. they get me every time! raar. afterward, we saw intolerable cruelty, which was very funny... don't be fooled by its appearance of romantic comedy-ishness. it is that in some ways, which is something a little different from the brothers coen, but it's really more just a comedy. "I'm gonna nail your ass! I'm gonna nail... your... ass!!!" that's just for you, kelly and chelsea... hehe.

and on that note... I think I'm going to go to bed. there was lots I could've talked about but it looks like blog writing just sucks all the energy outta me. all is well in the world, much love.

November 01, 2003

halloween... when stupidity reigns

so it's been two weeks since my last drunken posting, welcome to drunken posting number 2. what did you expect, it's hallo-ma-ween? hallo-ma-ween. so other than nearly getting busting by campus security, along with a couple other things, my night was pretty fun. being a gangsta was super fun... better than a ton of other costumes I've had. I liked wearing the velour... it's like wearing pajamas to a party. and you know me, sleepy mcsleeperson, I like sleep a whole lot so what's better than wearing pajamas outdoors? you know... halloween! speaking of sleep and what's better than sleep... since halloween is over, pretty much nothing beats sleep so I'm going to get some right now. good night all... much love.