July 29, 2004

Something is wrong with my right knee and I can't seem to figure out what the hell I did to make it so stiff and uncomfortable. I don't remember any sort of incident that would cause me such bodily harm and the only thing I can figure is that I am getting old, with a quickness, too. Why else would I have sudden random injuries from nothing in particular, it would seem? Especially when I am the Queen of Hurting Herself in Really Stupid Ways. Anyway, the whole knee injury is somewhat bothersome. A trip to WebMD was really no help, either. Apparently, knee swelling, stiffness, and/or pain could be caused by any number of things, including "repeated movement." Hmm, repeated movement? Isn't that a little hard to avoid with KNEES? Knees only really move, what, one of two ways? Good detective work, WebMD. They did offer some "gentle" exercises for home remedy, however, but look at that man! Not only is he wearing an orange shirt and green shorts, he looks like he is barely containing the agony of pulling his poor, inflamed knee toward his chest. The artist clearly forgot to sketch in the tears that should be rolling down his face into his ear, such is the pain of this "gentle" exercise. Anyway, hopefully plenty of rest will make it better, and non-repeating of the only movement my knee is capable of, the same repeated movement that all knees are forced to do day in and day out.  Posted by Hello

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