September 14, 2004

Looks like it's about that time here in blog-land and it's a doozy of a day to blog -the internet could probably not be any slower today. It's possible, but highly unlikely.

Last weekend I was going to go to the beach, to a place called Choroni, with several of the other students here, but Hurricane Ivan decided it was not to be. All the beaches ended up being closed and we had to change our hotel reservations and bus tickets to next weekend. A little disappointing but I'll get to go really soon. And my weekend ended up being really nice despite that, though the hurricane definitely affected the weather here. It was rainy and windy all weekend; usually it's sunny and hot here in the morning and afternoon, and then it rains later in the evening. It's nearly perfect weather.

Oh, I went to the ice cream shop that holds the Guinness Record for the most flavors of ice cream in the world! Anyone who can guess how many they have gets a cookie when I get back. Among the flavors being offered the day I went: cinnamon, passion fruit, salmon, shrimp, chicken and rice, garlic, ham and cheese, power ranger and I wait for you in bed (don't ask).

Haven't been blogging much because there is so much to talk about and so many things that happen every day, but obviously I can't write about everything! This past weekend felt like a turning point in my time here. It was by far my best weekend here - my best three days here, period - and I feel like I made it over some invisible hurdle of culture shock and homesickness. Obviously, it's not over just like that, it's a continual process of adjustment, but I finally feel like I've settled in here and started making connections with the culture and with people. There isn't as much struggle with certain aspects that were hard to deal with the first few weeks - like comments from guys here, and the noise, and getting stared at everywhere I go (seriously, it's like they've never seen an American before; sometimes I feel like I must have an ear growing out of my neck the way these people stare). Well, you get the idea. Anyway, now I feel like I just take all that in stride and can even laugh about it, and I feel at home now.

And there are still no parasites making a nice little home inside me! I did have a cold but it got better quite quickly. It feels like colds last longer at home, probably because it's cold and gray. But here in this land only five or so degrees north of the Equator, there is no way my pores could hold on to a cold forever.

In the meantime, I'm ruining my feet by wearing showah shoes all over the city. Anyone who read this entire blog also gets a cookie when I get home.

New on mostly true: Fun Venezuelan Facts! Time for a fun fact about Venezuela. Are you ready, kids?
You can't flush the toilet paper here because the plumbing can't handle it. TP goes right in the garbage. However, count yourself one of the lucky few if you happen upon a public bathroom that even has toilet paper. Or soap.

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