August 28, 2005

back to school

The past few days have been truly lovely - the kind of end of summer days with enough of a hint of autumn creeping into them that make part of me yearn to go back-to-school shopping and plan my class schedule. It seems that my body is getting ready for school, even though my brain knows that I'm not.

I can already sense my internal clock changing, somehow clearly delineating the line between the weekdays and the weekends. During the majority of the summer, unless I had a reason to pay attention to the date, all my days blended into one another, and it didn't matter if it were a Tuesday morning or a Saturday morning... it was just another morning. Now Sundays have become tainted again by the lurking presence of Monday, ugh. Even though I have nothing to do tomorrow, nowhere to be, I'm uneasily enjoying the peace of Sunday while simultaneously dreading Monday morning.

It's weird that the onset of autumn can trick me like this, but September has marked the beginning of school every year since I was 4. And September is right around the corner, both on the calendar and in the air. I won't be headed off to school this year, and I think I'm going to miss it.

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