July 08, 2006

What happens in Vegas

Pretty much every day I find a couple of new bruises somewhere on my personage... and most of the time, I have no idea how they got there. I'm starting to think that working in a new/used/chaotic bookstore is not the best idea for an insanely klutzy person. Books are falling and sliding and toppling everywhere, even on the best of days, but then I get into the mix and it's like books are falling on my arms and feet and hitting me in the face and knocking over other books and falling on other people's heads... really. I dropped a book on someone's head. She was okay, though! It wasn't a big book. And I'm tripping over the foot stools that are all over the store, or I'm tripping going up the stairs, or I'm tripping over nothing. Currently I have two small bruises on the inside of my left wrist (I have no idea what happened) and one large bruise on the top of my foot, from where a stack of five or six coffee-table sized books on interior decorating fell on it. It hurt. A lot. But I managed to keep my demonstration of pain to a minimum, only hopping up and down slightly, wheezing "Owowowww, ohmygod" whimper whimper.

But now I have four days off work to escape from the kind of beatings only the truly ungraceful can manage, and I'm going to Vegas, baby! Woooo! Vegas is both a scary and fascinating place for me... great people watching, a lot of fun stuff to do all in one location, etc. and that's great and all... but it's also a completely manmade and totally artificial place in the middle of nowhere, and the only real purpose it serves is for the indulgence of vice. Mmmm, vice. Anyway, I'll be there with my family including my two nephews, so who knows how much of the casino side of Vegas I really see. Rumor has it we may be heading to the Grand Canyon or Joshua Tree, so I'm looking forward to that.

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