January 13, 2010

52 weeks of celebration... maybe

Maybe I got a little carried away by my idea of celebrating a holiday every day. Some of these days are actually interesting or fun. Compliment Day sounds like a good time. National Pie Day - well, I would be celebrating that anyway.

However, some of them are mostly pointless, hence why no one ever thinks to observe them. Or even knows that they exist. I mean, Monday was Milk Day, in honor of the day milk was first delivered in bottles, in 1878. Milk Day? Really? I don't have milk delivered so I... drank some milk. Whooo! Maybe I should've delivered milk to someone as a surprise, though it was awfully cold out and I would've been worried about it freezing. Delivering milk in a plastic jug isn't really the same, anyway. Some of my co-workers have been interested in my "holiday-every-day" thing but I couldn't bring myself to tell them yesterday was Work Harder Day. Imagine the glares. I think perhaps I did work harder but it didn't make me especially happy. Saturday was Apricot Day and all I managed to do was eat a handful of dried apricots. There's not much joy to be found in dried apricots, as much as I enjoy them. I'm also not looking forward to days like Dress Up Your Pet Day. I don't have a pet. Or Inane Answering Message Day.

So, what to do? I think perhaps I'll focus on one day a week, or at least one day a week, but really pick the best day of the week to celebrate.

This week, the holiday is actually today - Poetry Break Day. I've been read a volume of e.e. cummings' work this afternoon as well as the Walt Whitman poem Garrison Keillor featured on Writer's Almanac today. Take a break and read some poetry. Anyone have anything to recommend?

Next week is full of days centered around food - popcorn, cheese, blonde brownie, and pie days. I will definitely celebrate Pie Day because I love to make pie. And to eat pie. But mostly to make it. National Pie Day is not to be confused with 3/14, Pi Day. Lots of people tell me I can't celebrate Pie Day on January 23rd; it is only to be celebrated March 14th. I think there's room in the world for two Pi(e) Days, don't you? Plus, the American Pie Council says Jan. 23 is Pie Day, and who am I to argue with them? I think Dahlia Bakery's butterscotch pie with pistachio brittle is in order for Pie Day.

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