June 15, 2004

Cat, I'm a Kitty Cat

I am living (still) at Dave’s house (temporarily) until the clouds part and the gods decide that it’s okay if they let sneaky Alexis sneak by with her sneaky self this one time and allow a deal on a house to actually close before they change their minds again. Until then, I’m here in a room with no furniture other than a bed and blue carpeting that matches my comforter in a way that is almost too eerie for me to comprehend. Other than me and Dave living here, there is Aaron, who I rarely ever see. Oh, and one of the stranger kittens I have met in my life and believe me, I’ve known me some kittens.

The kitten is Dave’s kitten and is an orange tabby. Or a ginger tabby, if you’re my mom and believe in being very specific (or a know-it-all) when you name colors. I named the kitten Jasper and he came from a house where a crazy (I mean, absolutely batty) cat lady lives with many many cats and kittens running around. Jasper runs around, attacking invisible enemies, tearing up rolls of paper towels, chewing on electrical cords, and jumping in one direction and then changing his mind midair and flying off in another direction. Sometimes he looks directly into my eyes and I think, “Oh, isn’t he cute?” until he opens his mouth and makes no noise and continues to stare at me and then I think, “Yoses, that cat is going to kill me in my sleep.” But just like every kitten, he’s so cute, especially when he’s lying in my lap and purring, instead of running around like the absolute nutter I know him to be.

Word on the street is that I was accepted into my program for Venezuela. I guess I haven’t made a sufficiently big deal about this yet which is very bad of me. I found out right before I left for my vacation and then have been so stressed with school and work and filling out paperwork for study abroad that I haven’t been blogging much, if you hadn’t noticed. This is the sort of conversation I imagine people have about my blog:

Obsessed Fan 1: Alexis hasn’t blogged in weeks, damn it.

OF 2: Yeah, what’s up with that? Who does she think she is?

OF 1: How dare she! Let’s send her horrible emails!

OF 2: Okay, but I really want her to think I’m cool so maybe we could just ask her to please write something soon.

But I know that’s not how it really happens. Anyway, so yeah, I’m going to Merida, Venezuela. I leave on August 18 and the program runs til December 1 but if at all possible, I’d like to try to travel around so I’d be there longer than that. I’ll have to write more about that later but for now I should sleep. Adios!

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