June 28, 2004

What to say, what to say. So it's been a few weeks, so what? I'm a very busy and important person with lots of things to do.

First of all, this week is the last week of class for me! I had my article presentation today, where I had to talk for a while about a study my whole class read, but I had to explain it and talk about criticisms and limitations to the study. Thursday is our final exam and then I'm home free. I decided to drop my other summer class, partly because I didn't have to take it but mostly because I really didn't want to. A four credit class in four weeks while working over 40 hours a week? That just doesn't sound like my cup o' tea.

Second of all, I apologize to all the people to whom I've written long emails. Those of you who haven't received one, don't be offended. Count yourself lucky. These aren't just any ol' long emails. These emails are of epic proportions and I'm deeply sorry to all those who may have received them. You probably think, "Oh, a nice email from Alexis! I was just wondering about her, what she's been up to?" And then you open the email and you probably change your mind, deciding that you don't really care what I've been up to because the email is so freakishly long that you just don't feel like weeding through all the nonsense I've spewed over the internet. I just can't seem to shorten any of my thoughts or stories, no matter how hard I try. I need email ad libs or something, so I can just fill in the blanks in a generic form and be done with it.

Third of all, today for lunch I had chicken and corn. And I thought about Amanda. This led me to thinking about how she hasn't blogged in nearly a month and that made me sad. Where are you Amanda?

Mostly I'm just very happy that it's summer. It's a very different summer than all the others of my experience but it's been good. I miss Annie lots, off in Germany, and how much does it suck that she's coming home on August 15th and I'm leaving on August 18th? We really should have some sort of get-together around then. A good time would be had by all, I assure you. Anyway, I'm happy and safe and in less than two months, I'm going to Venezuela. Preparations are underway and I'm getting excited. I have to send my passport off to the consulate in Chicago so I can get a visa. Before I can do that, I have to go to the doctor and get a police clearance record, among what seems like hundreds of other things I have to care of before then. I can do it, I can do it!

Well, I must be going... I have to work in a couple hours and I think my sleepiness has almost won the battle. It's naptime.

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