October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I carved pumpkins today and now I'm toasting the seeds, and I really, REALLY want to go trick-or-treating. It's not just for the candy, people! If it were just the candy, I could go down the road to the grocery store and buy pounds and pounds of it, Snickers and Reese's and Blow Pops, etc. But all the candy in the world could never quite recreate the magic, the experience of trick-or-treating: pretending to be someone else, stumbling around in dried-up leaves, on darkened streets that seemed so ordinary during the day, clutching a pillowcase full of sugar, guided by luminous pumpkins, protected from the other goblins roaming the streets by only your mom or dad holding a flashlight.

In lieu of that, I went on a walk around my neighborhood (with Buddy) to see some of the jack o' lanterns and decorations. Neighbors out trick-or-treating with their kids probably thought I was a pedophile. But I don't care - Halloween is my favorite howl-iday!

Cheesy Halloween humor aside, I hope you boys and ghouls have a Happy Halloween!!

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