March 12, 2006

Hey there

Yeah, posting once every three months or so really isn't a very good track record, nor is it a good use of my blog. I've never been an especially prolific blogger, but wow, this is terrible. I've meant to write, really I have, but it's just, well... my life has been so boring lately. Not that I haven't been enjoying myself or doing things that I like to do, but there really hasn't been much to tell: blah blah job hunt, yadda babysitting yadda, um... doing laundry... uh... oh, turning 23... being sick... an interview or two... hm... more babysitting... sick again... yeah, see? There's not a whole lot going on.

I used to have no problem writing about the mundane little stuff of my everyday life but lately it's been the same thing every day, pretty much. Who wants to hear endless stories about the kids I take care of - since I spend a lot of time with the little people. Or endless griping about the whole job search process, that's no fun. I could write about the books I've been reading. Which reminds me - Annie, I read Moby Dick! And I enjoyed it, too.

Anyway, after not blogging for a while, it's kind of hard to get back into it all of a sudden. But I'm a-gonna try! Now is as good a time as any, as I'm leaving for Buenos Aires, Argentina tonight for 10 days. I'll try to post while I'm there. Until then...

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