October 24, 2003


here's some advice for you:
don't drink from the wrong side of the glass to cure hiccups, because it makes you puke. and before it makes you puke, it makes water come out your nose. neither are really pleasant things to have happen to you at 1:30 am, but though they both happened to me tonight, I still laughed til I nearly soiled myself...

so I had the hiccups, and I was trying to solve it by drinking from the wrong side of the glass. (has anyone ever heard of this and/or tried it before? it's really kind of awkward! and who came up with it in the first place? what kind of crazy person figures out that drinking from the wrong side of the glass is an effective cure for hiccups?) though it was hard to figure out, it cured my hiccups by god. but the water spewed from my nose immediately, and then I started laughing so hard that I just... well... I puked... in the kitchen sink, no less, because cassi was occupying the bathroom. it was not pretty, let me tell you, but I still laughed really hard and rachel told me I'm the greatest roommate ever.

other than the puking and such, I've really had quite a good week. I scored a bunch of As on various assignments and tests, including my rhetorical criticism of conspiracy rhetoric midterm!!! which I was terribly worried about. I usually tend to underestimate myself and I end up doing better than I think I will, but I really felt that the test did not go well, even after all my studying. but I ended up getting an A, which makes me a happy little girl. I also wrote (what I thought was) a really bad spanish paper a week or so ago, got that back, got an A on it and not only that, my professor posted it on her website as an example! hooray for me! once again, reaffirming my decision to major in spanish. I actually like spanish a lot. and it's nice because I've been putting a lot of work into school, and as cheesy as it may sound, I really feel like I've earned my As.

last, but not least, and actually probably most importantly (hehehe)... I, alexis m. stapp, BEAT COREY C. FISCHER IN THREE GAMES OF PING PONG on Tuesday, October 21st. this is a first for me, and for corey as well (loser!). just kidding corey, we all know it was a fluke. many factors contributed to my OVERWHELMING SUCCESS and corey's SHOCKING DEFEAT, and who knows if they can be replicated at another time. I like caps tonight a whole lot.

anyway, it's seriously late now and I still have class at o'dark thirty so I should get some sleepy sleep sleep. much love.

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