October 16, 2003

I'm still in the beginning phases of this whole online journal thing. had a hard time with several other journals (how hard can this be, honestly? everything is set up for you! there must be something I'm missing... or else I'm just cursed) and now hopefully this will work. it seems like it's working... but I have a feeling it's not going to work, and I'm just being lulled into a false sense of security. we'll see.

anyway, the point I was trying to make was that because I'm still testing the waters with this, I'm not going to do a "real" post today. also, I'm just feeling sleepy and I have homework to do. excuses, excuses, I know. instead, I'm just going to make some nice ol' lists. enjoy.

bad stuff (or things that did not make me happy today):
-the midterm for rhetorical criticism of conspiracy discourse... despite the fact that I started studying several days ago, I still had a mad scramble of studying today, and still felt completely deflated when I sat down to take the test.
-the thought that I have another test coming up next week, and, for the class mentioned above (don't make me type it again!), a paper that's worth more than the midterm... please. make the bad man stop.

gray zone:
-the realization that it's midterm... this is a glass half empty/half full kind of thing for me today.

good stuff (or things that made me happy today):
-the enormous pile of leaves that had blown into the bike rack outside lake superior hall.
-enjoying the poetry of jorge luis borges early this morning
-recording "the greatest hits of amanda and alexis... and amanda and alexis and cassi... and chelsea and alexis" etc.
-"exploring" amanda's roommates' crazy disgusting messy room. I'm pretty sure that they live in a landfill.
-the mint chocolate fudge ice cream I'm eating right now.

overall, more good than bad today, which is typical but I'm somewhat tired so I probably don't sound too positive. don't let the weary, rundown tone fool you!
anyway... may this blog have a long, happy, and fulfilling life. don't give up on me yet folks! love to all.

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