November 02, 2004

sin agua, otra vez

Sunday morning, my host mom went to turn on the kitchen faucet and the noise of the pipes trying to puke out water was quite audible. My mom and I watched in shock as the sink gave out enough slightly brownish water to fill a glass, and then the pipes gave a horrible death groan and the faucet SHUDDERED and then all was quiet. No more water came out. Not like we were going to use the poopy water anyway, but it's the principle of the thing, people.

So my house is without water, AGAIN. For who knows how long. We actually didn't have to go 7 days without water, because it came back on again last Tuesday evening and it seemed for good. And there was much rejoicing in La Quinta Froilana°, by Americans and Jehovah's Witnesses alike! Oh, but the rejoicing commenced too soon.

This time we don't even have an estimate of how long it will be off, because apparently a pipe ruptured somewhere and it could be a week before it's fixed! Trying to take it in stride is not working for me right now because I HAVE NOT SHOWERED SINCE SATURDAY MORNING. I'm actually skipping class this afternoon so I can take a shower at someone else's house. I'm just hoping my professor will understand because I'm also doing it for the sake of everyone around me. It's not pretty.

°"La Quinta Froilana" is the name of the house I live in. It's actually an official part of the address! How many people can say they've lived in a house with a name? How cool am I?

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