Before I started working at the bookstore, I was a customer there. A month after I graduated, while looking for jobs, I brought a couple bags of books to sell to supplement my slowly dwindling bank account. After that I went there every month or so. While I could linger at Barnes and Noble, sipping coffee, tuning out the easy listening, and browsing for hours in a very organized and yet vaguely stale atmosphere, I went to HPB for specific purchases, when I knew there was something I wanted to buy but couldn't bring myself to pay full price at a larger chain store. I always appreciated the slightly indie feel of the store - the barely restrained chaos of the bookshelves, the unexpected music choices, the narrow aisles and the employees hiding around every corner, shelving books and looking alternately surly or thoughtful.
Then one Sunday in April I was there and was thinking what a great place to work it would be. I even said it out loud to Chelsea: "It would be really cool to work here. I wish they were hiring." The next day I bought the Star Tribune and was flipping through the Jobs classifieds, and guess what the first ad I saw was? Clearly it was a sign that I was supposed to apply (clearly), so I printed off an application and took it to the store the next day. The interview was the following Monday and I was offered the job that same evening. I debated about taking it, for many reasons, namely the fact that I have a bachelor's and the whole feeling of throwing that education away. But, so far, I have not had any reason to regret taking this job. In fact, almost every day there are new things that make me love it. Here are some of the reasons:
1) Did you know that I really like to read? Reading has been a lifelong passion, but not only do I love to read, I love books. I do. No, I don’t think you understand. I LOVE them. The feel, the heft, the shape, the smell. And I am surrounded by them. All day long. It’s quite wonderful.
2) Remember Pee-Wee’s Playhouse and how he had the word of the day and everyone would scream any time someone said the word of the day? Well, we do word of the day. We dance though, instead of screaming. We don’t want to scare the customers too much. Yesterday’s word of the day - fortuitous.
3) I get to listen to music I may never have heard and read books I may never have read, all thanks to my co-workers and their eclectic tastes.
4) Random basement dance parties. Need I say more?
5) Playing games on break. Battleship, Hungry Hungry Hippos, ancient Jeopardy games.
6) The independence that comes with being responsible for certain sections of the store and the organization required to maintain them.
7) Really good benefits. I get a wellness package that, among other things, pays for massages throughout the year and provides for therapy should I ever need it. Not to mention 12 paid vacation days, 12 paid holidays, and 12 paid sick days. Oh yeah.
8) My co-workers in general. Some of my co-workers are good friends already, but all of my co-workers are pretty awesome. They’re smart and fun and silly sometimes. Well, a lot of the times. Usually if I’m having an okay day before I get to work, it brightens up as soon as I get there, just because they’re great people to work with.
9) The customers. I never thought I’d work in retail again, partly because of the whole customers thing. And yeah, there are some customers who grate on my nerves occasionally, but on the whole, the customers are really nice people. Most of them like books too. Need I remind you what I love? See #1.
10) Free food. All the rice I could ever want to eat, crazy Asian condiments, my favorite tea right there just for me!, peanut butter, Bruegger’s Bagels, really good coffee, pizza once a month or so, fresh fruit every now and then… and that’s just the stuff that the store pays for. Then there’s the Colonel, who brings us donuts at least once a week. Not to mention when someone is in a baking mood, and ginormous cookies or blueberry coffee cake magically appear. This job is going to make me fat.
Though working in a bookstore was not exactly what I had in mind for my post-college job, I have wanted to work in a bookstore since I was really young, and I find myself incredibly fortunate to be working with people I really like, doing something that I truly enjoy.