August 21, 2004

So, I know this is the second time I've blogged in as many days but don't go getting too used to it 'cause I think this is a fluke. Eventually I will have, like, classes to go to and homework to do and probably some horrible virus that causes me to double over in cramps and spend all day in the bathroom so I won't even be able to make it out of the house, much less down the street to an internet cafe. (That actually might not happen but yeah, it probably will since about half of the American students usually get sick... and I am certainly excited about that prospect. Hoo-ray.) Today I went to the downtown area of the city with my roommate and two other people who live near us and we walked around and shopped a bit. It was raining pretty hard for part of the day (it's the rainy season here) but when it eventually stopped and the clouds lifted a bit, it was so beautiful. The mountains here are so green and the clouds were kind of creeping over them; we just walked around gaping at them and taking pictures like the tourists we basically are.

Anyway, oh, a little note for those of you who wish to email: send stuff to my school account because I can't seem to send email from my aol account for some reason. And I check my UMD account more than aol.

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