March 31, 2004

I feel it's time for a break. I've been scribbling about a speech by Susan B. Anthony entitled: "Is it Wrong for A Citizen of the United States to Vote?" for the past, oh say, 20 minutes, at the very least, so it is clearly time for me to rest my poor cramping hand for a moment... yes, rest it by... typing a whole bunch. Actually, working on my paper about Anthony and her fightin' the good fight for the women of this country made my mind wander to other things I've been thinking about recently.

I started reading this book recently for my Gender and Communication class, which is a stupid, stupid class, by the way. But this book is not stupid. It's by bell hooks, who I had kind of heard of before... I vaguely remember reading through something by her last semester, then summarizing it for Chelsea so she could possibly answer a question on a final. Anyway, the book is pretty good. hooks' goal in writing it was to create a "primer" about feminism, and of what I've read so far, she does a pretty good job. At the beginning, she addresses a lot of the myths that people believe about feminism - for instance, that all feminists are man-hating lesbians. It just tickles me so that people just don't get what feminism is about or are so against it. It's especially surprising when those negative attitudes come from women and especially when I read a definition like hooks gives: "Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression." It seems that feminism, when defined like that, should be something most women could get behind. I know I consider myself a feminist. I'm pretty sure it was just something I absorbed with all the other nutrients when I was a fetus.

Anyway... I kind of forgot what my point was, but if any of you want to learn more about feminism, Feminism is for Everybody is actually entertaining and a fairly quick read. I can even loan it to you!

It didn't get dark til nearly 7 today and daylight's savings ends this weekend. So you know what that means! Next week I'll be looking out the window thinking, "Damn you spring, where are you?" No, actually, I'll be looking out the window thinking, "Hey, it's still light out... I have plenty of time left to do my homework!" Then I'll realize that it's nearly 8 and I'll be a shakin' in my shoes 'cause I have so much left to do. Only 5 weeks left of class and then finals week and then spring semester is donesky! My first summer class doesn't start until June 7th, so I will have at least a few weeks of relaxation before I have to start school again.

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