March 11, 2004

More terrorist acts as everyone should have heard about by now*. I can't even understand it. I don't know why anyone would kill so many people, or even just one person. There's not really a whole lot that can be said (that hasn't been said already) about a senseless tragedy like this, especially for Americans. I hope that Americans don't just shrug this off, just because it's happened across the Atlantic, in another country entirely. Bush has already offered condolences. Take the time to read what Shannon (Anne's friend from Richmond) has to say. She's in Spain right now, studying abroad in a town called San Sebastián. It's pretty much a first-hand perspective; plus, she's studied the ETA so she knows a lot more than most people here in the U.S. I am keeping the victims and their families in my thoughts. Tanya, a girl I know from both Spanish and Communication classes, is studying in Madrid this semester, and I hope that she is safe.

I may be slightly irrational, but stuff like this really makes me nervous about going to South America. This massacre happened in Spain, which is a nation of the European Union, with a stable form of federal democracy, which has been in place for many years. Though moving slowly moving out of and reconstructing after many years of corrupt elections, military coups, and repression, South American governments are less stable than Spain. There are still so many violent outbreaks and riots, and groups similar to the ETA (though not quite as terroristic) that threaten the stability of the government. The Argentine goverment is pretty stable; their only difficulties in recent years have come from their economic situation and financial problems... but it still worries me.

But then I think that I'm just being stupid and young and so American - in that I'm too used to living in a well-established and steady democracy (though I know people have their problems with the U.S. government, for the most part we got it good here)... and I can't leave my nice, safe little world to go someplace where poverty, hunger and malnutrition are rampant, and sanitation is poor in most places... and people will kill other people just because an election didn't turn out the way they wanted it... who would want to do that? For whatever reason, I do. I'm not afraid that I'm going to get hurt or robbed or lose my life, at least, not really ... it's a small hesitation on my part, because I've wanted to go to Latin America all my life. Blame it on my heritage of wanderlust, blame it on my Dad for all those trips he took to Latin America when I was little... but I want to go and see how the other Americans live and I want to stretch myself to my limits. Watching Chelsea go off to Australia and knowing that Anne is leaving soon for Germany, a small part of me feels like I'm being left behind, but I know that I'll have my chance and that it will be, most likely, one of the most rewarding experiences I'll ever have.

Anyway.... I had class this morning and then went to work, where I suffered three of the more annoying students I've had to advise so far. I seriously don't know why some of these kids are going to college, other than the obvious fact that there isn't a whole lot you can do (that you want to do) without a college degree. The main objective for two of the kids was to skip class just about every day and drink as frequently as possible. I'm not trying to pretend like I have never imbibed alcohol or skipped a class, but I'm here for an education. I actually like school, I love academia, which is crazy and I know most people don't share my love, but most people at least like to learn, even if they don't like school. It just makes me sad to know that these incoming freshmen will be my peers and possibly even classmates at some point in the future. And - they could be applying for the same job as me in some distant future time! Hooray!

Okay, sorry, I guess I'm just full of words today. They just came tumbling out all of a sudden and there wasn't any way to stop them. I think that mainly I'm just avoiding studying for my midterm and folding the massive pile of laundry that is on my bed and has been there since before I went to work at 12:25. Hehe. Anyway, I really should attempt to be productive right now.

Tonight: more midterm studying with a break featuring packing for Vegas and possible television viewing...
Tomorrow: it's off to Las Vegas for a week of losing money, gaining weight (from eating at ginormous buffets), getting some sun (hopefully), and thoroughly enjoying myself! To my UMD readership, have a fun and safe spring break no matter where your week may take you... to Anne and Eric, have fun together the next week and have a safe trip to Germany, Annie, and Eric, you better give Anniekins a hug for me at the airport!...

Back in a week.

*If we're all keeping up with the responsibility of being well-informed citizens of the world.

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