March 07, 2004

Hi there. I'm Klutzy Alexis. You may remember me from such incidents as The Great Sledding Collision (I co-starred with Rachel in that one), the Falling on Head on the Playground and Falling Backward off the Top Bunk Double Header Disaster, and the Trampoline Ankle Spraining Catastrophe (all of 2003). More recently, I was featured in the Unicycle Flat on my Face Accident and the Amazing Patch of Ice on the Stairs Mishap, as well as numerous minor Slips, Crashes, and Woes in general.

That's right. My klutzy side has resurfaced, though not with quite the vigor it had spring semester of last year. That stint of clumsiness lasted me into the summer, resulting in the sprainage of the left ankle at the beginning of June, thus tainting the rest of my summer fun. The clumsy streak seemed to taper off after that, possibly because I was forced to be mindful of my movements and also because not being able to run or climb or jump severely limits my ability to injure myself. I was accident-free, for the most part, for the rest of the summer and all of fall semester.

Recently, I have suffered a spate of baby accidents. Running into things, getting all sorts of little knicks on my hands, hitting my head, tripping over stuff, and falling down... sometimes I'll have several in a day and sometimes none for several days. Nothing too bad, too harmful. Ain't nothing I can't handle, cause after all, I have experience with these things. Now, I hate to condemn myself and believe me, I'm knocking on wood right now, but I can feel it coming. Something Big. The Big One, if you will. These tiny, petite calamities are all paving the way for some potentially big bodily harm. It's bound to happen. Um, pray for me so I don't snap in two, mmkay?

In other news, sorry I haven't written for a bit. I've been sort of busy the past week... academic orientation has commenced here at UMD, and thus advising has begun. I've been busy indoctrinating, erm, I mean, guiding incoming freshmen through the registration and advisement process, as well as brainwash - I mean, informing them about the things this school has to offer. Nice work if you can get it, and I did!

I'm sending in my application for Argentina sometime this week before I head to Vegas over spring break. I hope I'm accepted, not that I'm too worried about it, but cross your fingers just in case!

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