November 11, 2003

grr arg

well, today, for the first time ever, I discovered a hold on my school account, from accounts receivable, effective as of 11/07. what that means, essentially, is that my last tuition payment was not paid and that I cannot register until it is paid. this is incredibly unfortunate, because also for the first time ever, I get to register on the second day of registration. this means I may actually have somewhat of a chance of getting into all the classes I want to take, when I want to take them, which is nice since I am nearing the end of my time here and need to get certain things done.

also unfortunately (more unfortunately for accounts receivable... muhahahaha), according to my most recent tuition bill, as of 11/07, my tuition had been paid. boo to accounts receivable. one would think that their system would be a little bit more streamlined, a little bit more sychronized, if you will... so as not to issue a hold on a person's account on the same day that their tuition bill was paid. oh wait, what am I saying? that's ridiculous.

so... what am I going to do? what anyone would do... I printed out a copy of my tuition bill and I'm going to take it down to the accounts receivable office in their little hidey hole in Darland Admin. 140 and, as I told my dad, I'm going to RUB THEIR NOSES IN IT. (to which my dad replied, "ooo,,,you go, girl!!" and yes, he really types all those commas for no reason whatsoever.) hopefully I can get it straightened out in the next few days so I can register on Friday.

whew. pretty frustrated by that whole thing. warning: abrupt subject change ahead.

as I was getting into bed last night, I glanced at my clock and saw that it was 11:45. holy geez, going to bed before midnight? what's wrong with me? then I realized that all my roommates were in bed and had been for some time. and amanda went to bed around 11. where are the wild and crazy college girls? we're supposed to be out partying or causing trouble or cramming all night or at least sacrificing small rodents or children... or.. or something. actually, who am I kidding? I love that we were all in bed before midnight. that is the essence of this apartment.

I think that's all for tonight. by the way, just out of curiosity... who is the "anonymous" commenter from my last blog? amanda and I are almost positive that is a direct comment from GOD, but I wanted to rule out all other possibilities before jumping to that conclusion. anyway, sorry for the long rant at the beginning, just a little frustrated. good night and much love.

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