February 23, 2004

procrastination... or too many damn questions

[Spell your first name backwards] sixela
[The story behind your user name] It's my name...
[How old are you?] 21
[Date of birth] 02/01
[Where do you live?] In Goldfine
[Occupation] student extraordinaire and academic adviser
[4 words that sum you up] Four words isn’t enough. If anyone can think of four good words to sum me up, go right ahead.

Describe your....

[Wallet] black with a red stripe on it
[Key holder] Bulldog wallet thing
[Jewelry worn daily] earrings (2 pair)
[Pillow cover] there are two: plain red, and white with LLC embroidered on it
[Coffee cup] Miller Funeral Home mug.
[Shoes] black flip-flops
[School bag] Eddie Bauer daypack; the straps melted against the heater last year
[Favorite shirt] "Just a Waitress til I'm discovered t-shirt" from Old Navy
[Favorite pants] jeans.. pretty much any kind, or the Gap khakis I ripped the bottom seams out of
[Cologne/Perfume] Chloe Narcisse
[Piercing] 2 in both ears
[What you are wearing now] khakis (mentioned above), Cassi's blue shirt, black flip-flops
[Hair] brown
[Makeup] none
[in my mouth] saliva and coffee aftertaste
[In My Head] My brain and some earwax
[Wish] That I hadn't started this survey in the first place.
[Eating Habit] A little bit all the time
[Some of your favorite movies] The Apartment; Sense and Sensibility
[Do you believe in love at first sight] Yes
[The last thing you ate?] Egg salad sandwich
[Do you believe in love] Yes
[Do you believe in soul mates] Yes
[Do you believe in forgiveness] Yes
[Three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?] Chicago, Seattle, DC...
[What are some of your favorite foods?] cereal, bananas, pan-seared pasta with garlic, tomatoes and spinach, ice cream

Yes or No...

[you keep a diary] I used to... until I started the blog
[you have a secret you have not shared with anyone] Yes
[you fold your underwear] Yes
[you talk in your sleep] Sometimes I do, apparently


[movie you bought] Bend it Like Beckham
[song you listened to] Simon and Garfunkel, "Bookends"
[song that was stuck in your head] "You've Lost that Loving Feeling," thanks to Rachel
[song you've downloaded] Rahzel ft. Erykah Badu, "Southern Girl"
[CD you bought] The Frida soundtrack
[CD you listened to] The Shins, "Chutes too Narrow"
[person you've called] my parents
[person who called you] Chelsea
[TV show you've watched] Um... a Baby Story?
[Thing you said] "You haven't written it yet? Noooo!"


[Black or White?] black
[Cats or Dogs?] dogs
[Tea or Coffee?] coffee
[Achiever or Slacker?] achiever
[Leader or Follower?] neither
[Beer or Cider?] cider
[Drinks or Shots?] drinks
[Single or Taken?] single
[Matches or a Lighter?] matches
[Letters or Emails?] email
[Short hair or Long hair?] neither

I want to...

[Go] to sleep
[Kill] no one, really... I try to maintain an avoid-killing-anyone policy.
[Hear from] My dad
[Meet] for lack of anyone else I can think of, the rest of the Fab 5.
[Look like] myself
[Avoid] my homework
[Hug] my dad
[Kiss] ...?


[Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?] yes
[Drank alcohol?] yes
[Done drugs?] yes
[Broken the law?] yes
[Ran away from home?] attempted it once
[Broken a bone?] an arm, a finger, and two toes
[Cheated on a test?] no
[Played Truth Or Dare?] I think so
[Flashed someone?] no
[Mooned Someone?] no
[Kissed someone you didn’t know?] no
[Been on a game show/talk show] no
[Been in a fight?] Yes. Unless we're talking fist fight here, then no.
[Ridden in a fire truck?] yes
[Been on a plane?] yes
[Come close to dying?] no
[Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride?] yes
[Swam in the ocean?] yes
[Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up?] yes
[Kissed someone of the same sex] yes


[Girlfriend/Boyfriend] Now or in general?
[When and who was your 1st crush?] David Joyner in first grade. I was sure he felt the same.
[What do you first notice about the opposite sex] Smile
[Your idea of a perfect date] Never really thought about it, I guess.
[Name a moment that you thought was really sweet] Umm... no. Maybe later.
[Your first kiss] Last year, but I won't go there.
[Do you have a crush] Maybe. I don't rememba! (That's for you, Amanda.)

Are you a...

[Vegetarian?] No.
[Good Student?] I try.
[Good Singer?] Maybe.
[A good Actor/Actress?] Not really.
[A deep sleeper?] Yes.
[A Good Dancer?] Kind of.
[Shy?] Sort of.
[Outgoing?] Sometimes.

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