April 15, 2004

For those of you who didn't catch on yet, I changed my template. Shhh... I realize I'm rather uncreative, choosing the template that both Amanda and Sara have, but I like it so darn much that I decided to adopt it. Mostly, I was very sick of my template. I kept trying to modify that one and I just never liked anything I did to it, so I decided to give up. This new template is temporary, an interim template, if you will, until I either:

  1. Learn how to design one and then make my own template

  2. Give up on that in frustration and find another nifty looking "pre-fabricated" template

Let's face it, it's probably going to end up being the second... writing my own template? That sounds complicated. But I guess I'll see. Either way, I will have a new template at some point, but for now, enjoy this one!

I have to register in a few hours! Actually, as I am counting on studying in Argentina next fall, I'm not really registering. I'm just picking up some classes, that way, in the event that I do not go abroad, I will not have to worry about trying to get into classes.

It's another day where I only had one class and no work! Why did I ever think I wanted another job? Not working is so much better than working - it's fantastic! It gives me so much more time to be slothful. On days like these, I will eat anywhere from 4-9 small meals. Not to mention the television I watch, or should I say the VH1 I watch, specifically.

I'm positive that VH1 is one of the most addictive things on the planet. It's like whenever the tv is on VH1, clouds of crack pour out of the speakers. The viewer is trapped - they can't move because the crack is very addicting, obviously. Or else, maybe the channel emits a high-frequency signal that switches off some essential part of the human brain... the part that enables me to get up and walk away from the tv, the part that controls Cassi's verbal functions, the part that keeps track of the passing of time. Whatever it is that VH1 is doing, they should probably keep it up, because no other channel can keep me glued to it for hours on end, even if the shows are complete crap.

Well, it's about time for me to get the most out of this day off. I'm going to slip into something more comfortable... my bed!

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