April 21, 2004


For the first time in four months (maybe more), I have over $200 in my checking account and damn if it don't feel like I won the powerball. Woot!

My nephews are two of the cutest little boys in the whole world. I wish I could show you just how cute they are, but believe me, they are damn cute. So cute I just want to steal them from my brother and sister-in-law and bring them here, where they would destroy my apartment in mere minutes. But I'm sure that my roommates would fall in love with them anyway, even after seeing how the little tyrants had laid waste to everything in sight. That's how cute they are.

I might get to see them at the end of May if I venture to Reno with my parents when they go there. Yeah, another roadtrip through Nevada.

Maybe when I'm there I'll get to see my dad. If he ever decides to come back from Macedonia. (That link is for those of you unknowledegable fiends who don't know where Macedonia is.)

My parents came to Duluth on Sunday (parents being my mom and step-dad) and we went house shopping for hours upon hours and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, even in the rain and hail and even after getting up at 8 to go take care of babies and toddlers. The parents made an offer on a house but there are two other offers on it, so we have yet to see what will happen. I also wish I could show you how cute the house they made the offer for is, but I can't, alas. But, if they end up getting it, then ya'll are welcome to come visit!

This, however, is the house I fell in love with. It may not look like much on the outside but it stole my heart.

Amanda may want this semester to end because "it's the semester from the fiery pits of hell," but I want this semester to end because I'm bored with it. Yeah, that's right. I'm bored. Sorry to everyone who is stressed out by the semester-end papers and projects, I hate to brag but... wait, why am I apologizing? BITE ME. After last semester's hellishness, this semester has been nearly effortless and I think I deserve a little break. I'm sure I'll be sweating it in a couple weeks, but right now I have nothing that really needs to be done. Ahhhh.

Last weekend was really one of the best weekends I've had in a while. There were friends and good talks, a bit o' intoximacation, some intermittent shoe purchases for $8.50 (including a pair like these), some Spanish babbling in the car, School of Rock-watching, a late night H(ouse) O(f) D(onuts) run, the house shopping, of course, some baby-holding, and the karaoke stylings of yours truly.

Last night, in a fit of silliness, Rachel and I short-sheeted Cassi's bed. I have never pulled a prank on anyone in my life and my god, it was fun. Fear the childish prankishness that is to come.

That's enough out of me, missy. My work here is done.

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