April 03, 2004

Today I added a link for Fundacion Ortega y Gasset, which is where I will be studying when I go to Buenos Aires in the fall. I was so excited to find a link for the Insitute, because there is a much more detailed program description than the one offered at the U of M's study abroad page. Apparently, the program fees include seven excursions during the few months... including a trip to the Pampas and to Uruguay! If you click on the link for the Fundacion, don't be scared by all the Spanish on the page - you can go to "Spanish for Foreigners" (that's me, I'll be a foreigner!) and then click on "Program 2004" to read about my program and where I'll be living and what I'll be doing!

Aurora, Brian and I had quite the adventure out on the town last night. We made our way to Grandma's around midnight to help Karen (a girl from me and Aurora's Analysis class) celebrate her 21st birthday. We didn't really do much celebrating as we decided to leave kind of early on. Being there made me feel pretty old, 'cause all I could think was that I'd rather go to bed than deal with that kind of crowd. We headed to the Reef around 1, which was a much more mellow place to just sit and talk and then on to Perkin's where we all ordered delicious peanut butter chocolate chip muffins. It was fantastic!

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