October 15, 2004

I voted

Imagine that title in white, all capital letters on a round red sticker right smack dab in the middle of my forehead. For all those of you who were worried (because I know I was), my absentee ballot finally came yesterday and I filled it out as soon as it was in my hands, then promptly turned it over to Rosa, VEN-USA's representative in the U.S., to take back to the States with her where she will drop it in a mailbox and it will be on its merry way to the Minnesota election officials! Hooooooray!

I really didn't think it would make it here on time, or really, at all. Or it would show up on October 28th and there would be no time for me to get it back to the States. Then my plan was to write a fiesty blog, directed at no one in particular, just saying that if there's anyone out there thinking about NOT VOTING, whether because they think it's a waste and it doesn't make a difference anyway, or because of pure laziness, or because of just not caring... they should think of me, NOT VOTING because I'm in SOUTH AMERICA without an absentee ballot, and go out and vote, no matter who for, just to exercise the right every American citizen is granted once they reach 18. And even now, though I did get to vote(!), everyone still has to do it. DO IT! NOVEMBER 2! Ok, fair warning.

So tomorrow, I think I'm going paragliding, which I have wanted to do before I even got here. It's a package from one of the local tour agencies, and Jami, the girl who arranged it all, just told me it might include wall climbing and bungee jumping, as well. Eek! This may be the end for me everyone! Wish me luck!

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