October 28, 2004


Since I don't have a digital camera, no one will be able to see my photos until I return to the states, muhaha!

However, here are some pictures, taken by Jami, one of the American students I go to school with. Most of them seem to be just random pictures of people out partying, so take a good look at the crazy people I've been hanging out with for the past weeks.

To point out some people: In the first group shot (the first picture I'm in), Jami is the fourth from the left. The girl in the middle with the platinum blonde hair wearing the yellow shirt is Anna, the Swedish girl, and my closest friend here! In the three pictures after that (of three girls, including Jami), the girl in the middle, wearing the white shirt, is my roommate Stephanie. There are other assorted pictures from the beach, as well as a soccer game, a bullfight, Jami's host family, and Merida, etc.

This weekend is Halloween and VEN-USA is having a party tomorrow night... and the cultural activity for the week is carving pumpkins! So tonight Venezuelans will learn what it feels like to bury their hands in lovely slimy pumpkin guts. Mm, pumpkin guts. Then the rest of the weekend will probably be kind of slow, as city and state elections are being held here on Sunday and everything is closed on Saturday night and all day Sunday... it's rumored that the buses might not even be running, which doesn't make a lot of sense because that prevents a lot of people from voting.

Either way, I'm glad that the election is almost finished with here, because it's been quite the hoopla. There are signs everywhere and there are these jeeps that drive around, decked out in the signs and colors of whatever political party, and they have megaphones blasting music and political slogans and jingles and it's insane! I get handed at least five fliers everytime I walk down the street, even though I tell the people handing them out that I can't vote here anyway. They just tell me to give them to someone who can. I don't know, it seems the political propaganda here is way more intense than I ever remember it being in the States... but then again, I am not there right now, and November 2 is almost upon us!

Anyway, that's about it. I will write about my AMAZING trip... someday.

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