May 10, 2004

Will summer ever come to the northern climes of Duluth-land? Survey says: probably not. At least not summer in the form that our Twin Cities neighbors to the south seem to be enjoying already. However, there was a raised hair-inducing thunderstorm last night that made the sky go from vibrant orange to midnight blue in a matter of minutes. Luckily the rain gave us Goldfiners enough time to enjoy Aurora's end of the year farewell barbeque that featured a large quantity of uneaten hot dogs and excellent dill pickle potato chips... and plenty o' people and fun. changed their whole set-up and added a whole ton of new templates. It'll take some adjustment but it seems to be a good set-up. Plus, Amanda and I were really excited about the new templates - it was like Christmas in May for we dorks. No, of course this template isn't my own design. Who do you think I am?

Packing is fun but I hate saying goodbye. Even if it is only for a short time.

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