May 07, 2004

YAY!!! I'm done with my trabajo de investigacion (term paper) for Spanish! As in I've-already-turned-it-in-so-it's-too-late-to-change-anything done, not just I'm-finished-writing-the-stupid-thing done! I actually finished it last night right 'round midnight and I think it was a fairly good paper. The presentation I gave in small group in class today was not great, however, I don't care especially and I don't think the freshmen in my group cared that much either... apparently I'm the only one interested in machismo in the book Cronica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. At least my tema (topic) was unique, unlike the six people who wrote about Frida Kahlo and the three about Diego Rivera. Not that I don't like Frida and Diego or anything, but there are so many interesting things to write about and everyone in the class (being students de Espanol) knows tons about them already.

However, there was a ginormous lack of sleep after I finished the damn thing... I think the anxiety of the past few days just took hold and decided that even though things are slowly being resolved in a more or less orderly fashion, I really only needed to sleep 3 hours or so before the last day of class. I think I may be a little goofy today. But at least I don't feel as crazy or anxious as I did a couple days ago. With the exception of the fiesta de toss-and-turn last night, yesterday was pretty good and today will be an improvement on that, hopefully. Chelsea called and we talked about everything, which helped so much; Anne left me a really sweet message that cheered me up; and Eric (Anne's boyfriend) told me all about Venezuela... or actually just copied and pasted info. from the CIA World Factbook but it's nice to know he's looking out for me and my drug-purchasing interests. Because I'm clearly going to South America just to buy drugs.

Anyway, I'm skipping my last Analysis class with Pfauza. As great as I think Pfauza is, I just need to eat and take a nap because today is also my last day of advising and I need to be rested up to babysi - I mean - help the 18-year olds register. Besides, it's a review session and though free answers are nice, I think I can find the answers on my own. Have a good last day of class UMD students!

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